What is Cloudflare Error 1020?

  • Josselin Liebe
    by Josselin Liebe
    10 months ago
  • Cloudflare, as a web infrastructure and security company, offers robust protection for websites against malicious attacks and unwanted web scrapers. If you've ever been greeted with the Error 1020: Access Denied message while scraping, you've had a firsthand experience with Cloudflare's Web Application Firewall (WAF) in action.


    Why does Error 1020 occur?

    This particular error is indicative of Cloudflare's measures recognizing your activities as potentially harmful or unwanted. It can trigger due to:

    1. Excessive Request Rate: Web scraping too rapidly can tip off Cloudflare.

    2. Usage of Low-Quality Proxies: Some proxy IPs might already be flagged by Cloudflare due to past malicious activities.

    3. Suspicious Request Patterns: Unnatural patterns, like too many requests from a single IP in a short span, can raise alarms.

    Cloudflare's Anti-bot Systems

    Cloudflare has integrated several sophisticated techniques to pinpoint and block potential web scraping attempts:

    1. TLS Fingerprinting: Analyzing the TLS handshakes to spot patterns associated with web scrapers.

    2. IP Address Analysis: Checking the IP against a database of known malicious or suspicious IPs.

    3. JavaScript Fingerprinting: Investigating how a browser processes JavaScript to detect patterns consistent with automated bots.

    4. HTTP Connection Analysis: Scrutinizing the request headers, order, frequency, and other patterns to identify automated scripts.

    How to Circumvent Error 1020?

    To enhance your scraping endeavors and reduce the chances of encountering Cloudflare's wrath:

    1. Use High-Quality Proxies: This helps distribute the requests, making them appear more organic and less concentrated from one source. Remember, it's crucial to use reputable proxy providers to avoid already flagged IPs.

    2. Introduce Delays: Space out your requests. This emulates human-like behavior and is less likely to trigger anti-bot measures.

    3. Emulate Browsers: Use tools and libraries that can mimic genuine browser behavior, complete with handling JavaScript, cookies, and headers.

    4. Rotate User-Agents: Diversifying user-agents can help in avoiding pattern recognition by Cloudflare.

    While Cloudflare's Error 1020 serves a crucial role in protecting websites, it can be a hurdle for legitimate web scrapers seeking data. By refining your scraping strategies and respecting the website's robots.txt and terms of service, you can find a balance that works for both the scraper and the website.