Status code API

  • Author
    by Josselin Liebe
    8 months ago
  • The following list of HTTP codes are returned :

    The following list of HTTP status codes is returned by Piloterr. Each status code indicates the outcome of an API call and suggests a potential resolution for errors.

    Status Code Is Billed? Explanation Resolution
    200 Yes Successful API Call No action required.
    400 No Bad Request / Inactive API Key / Expired API Key Verify your parameters and their types. Ensure your API key is active and not expired. Check the detailed error message in the response body for more information.
    401 No Unauthorized / Invalid API Key Check your API key and ensure it is valid.
    402 No Payment Required / You Have Open Invoices Settle any outstanding invoices to continue using the API.
    403 No Forbidden / Account Deactivated Verify your permissions. Contact us if you believe this is a mistake.
    404 Yes* Not Found / URL Not Found Ensure the endpoint URL is correct. This is billed except for specific endpoints listed below.
    429 No Rate Limit Exceeded Consider upgrading your current plan or get in touch with our sales team.
    500 No Unexpected Error Retry the action and check the detailed error message in the response body for more insights.

    Note: For the following endpoints, 404 errors are not billed:

    • /api/v2/company
    • /api/v2/company/suggest
    • /api/v2/company/social

    This table provides a comprehensive overview of the HTTP status codes returned by Piloterr's API, indicating whether the request is billed and providing resolutions for each scenario. Understanding these status codes is crucial for effective API management and troubleshooting.

    • 200 (Yes, Billed): Indicates a successful API call. No action is required.

    • 400 (No, Not Billed): The request was incorrect or incomplete. Verify your parameters and their types. Check the detailed error message in the response body for more information.

    • 403 (No, Not Billed): Access is forbidden. Verify your permissions and contact Piloterr support if needed.

    • 404 (Yes, Billed): The URL was not found, resulting in no data returned. Note that for specific endpoints (/api/v2/company, /api/v2/company/suggest, /api/v2/company/social), 404 errors are not billed.

    • 429 (No, Not Billed): The API rate limit has been exceeded. Consider upgrading your current plan or contacting the sales team for assistance.

    • 500 (No, Not Billed): An unexpected error occurred. Retry the action and check the detailed error message in the response body for more insights.