What is 403 status code?

  • Josselin Liebe
    by Josselin Liebe
    10 months ago
  • In the vast realm of web-related activities, few things are as frustrating as encountering the 403 status code. When you see this code, it's the server's not-so-subtle way of saying, "I know what you're asking for, but you're not allowed to see it." Let's dive deep into understanding this response and ways to navigate through it.

    🚫 What is the 403 Forbidden Status Code?

    Response status code 403 is a denial of content status code. In simpler terms, it signals that the client is forbidden from accessing the requested content. While this is straightforward when it comes to regular browsing, it becomes a little trickier in the world of web scraping.

    🔍 Why Does It Happen?

    When engaging in web scraping, a 403 response can be triggered by a few specific reasons:

    1. Invalid HTTP Request Parameters: The specifics of your request might raise flags. Common culprits include:

      • Missing headers like X-Requested-With, X-CSRF-Token, Origin, or even Referer. It's crucial to ensure these headers' values and their ordering match what the website expects.

      • Absence of cookies, particularly session cookies or specific tokens.

    2. Identification as a Web Scraper: Sometimes, it's not about what you're asking for, but how you're asking. If a website detects unusual patterns in your requests or identifies you as a scraper, it might respond with a 403, effectively blocking you.

    🛠️ How to Avoid Being Blocked?

    To ensure smooth sailing when scraping, it's vital to appear as "human" as possible. Keep in mind that repeated encounters with the 403 status code can lead to a permanent ban. Addressing these errors swiftly is of the essence.

    💡 A Python Tip to Bypass the 403 Blockage

    If you're ever caught in the tricky web of 403 responses, consider implementing a retry mechanism or leveraging an API like Piloterr.com.